
Showing posts from October, 2018

Make Money With Your Blog: One Month Challenge

Hi, welcome to my first post (the first one about my blog doesn't count). As it was said this blog is about making money and about elite. I started this blog from one obvious reason: money. Of course, there is some need and passion to run a blog, share my thoughts and journey with you, but the main reason is making money online. I am new to blogging, I have read several articles on blogging and monetizing them and I decided to give it a try a here is why you should too: Time flexibility Running a blog is very time saving job (once you get there), starting from scratch you will need to sacrifice more time than you expect, but after some time it will be just up to you how much time you will spend writing articles and posting them. You can spend 2 hours a day or 10 minutes a day, it is only up to you. Writing about your passion It is very satisfying writing about your passion and sharing with other readers who have passion in same topic. But you don't have to write about y

About This Blog

About This Blog Welcome to my new blog! My concept is to focus this blog on elite and how to get to the 1% of population, which have the privilege to call themselves as elite.  My understanding of the term “elite” isn’t only about being affluent and wealthy. Driving Rolls-Royce or living in luxurious mansion aren’t the things that make you an elite. It is about the way of living, spending and enjoying. Elite is somebody who can achieve anything in their life, they are very socially-skilled, respected, but most importantly: they are not only surviving through their lives…they are actually living it. But don’t get me wrong…money matter. You have probably heard the old saying: “Money can’t buy happiness”, but actually can. The majority of people aren’t satisfied with their lives only because they don’t have enough money. They aren’t satisfied because they don’t have the security. They must work to financially secure their children, pay rent, buy a car. This even results t