About This Blog

About This Blog

Welcome to my new blog!

My concept is to focus this blog on elite and how to get to the 1% of population, which have the privilege to call themselves as elite. 

My understanding of the term “elite” isn’t only about being affluent and wealthy. Driving Rolls-Royce or living in luxurious mansion aren’t the things that make you an elite. It is about the way of living, spending and enjoying. Elite is somebody who can achieve anything in their life, they are very socially-skilled, respected, but most importantly: they are not only surviving through their lives…they are actually living it.

But don’t get me wrong…money matter. You have probably heard the old saying: “Money can’t buy happiness”, but actually can. The majority of people aren’t satisfied with their lives only because they don’t have enough money. They aren’t satisfied because they don’t have the security. They must work to financially secure their children, pay rent, buy a car. This even results to doing the job you don’t want to do, but you have because it is paid much better. So yes, money really matter. And because of it most of the articles you will find on this blog will be focused on making money, but not only money. I am intending to add articles about my way to the top and much more. 

So..fasten your seatbelt and get ready for a ride.


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